N.A.B.O. Bertsolari Tribute

In 2022, N.A.B.O. honored the U.S.-based berstsolaris, Gratien Alfaro, Jesus Arriada, Johnny Curutchet, Martin Goicoechea & Jesus Goñi for their contributions over the years at N.A.B.O. events and at N.A.B.O. member Basque club events. The event was held at the Basque Cultural Center on Satruday, March 12th, 2022.

The tribute showcased the active U.S. bertsolaris, along with two bertsolaris from the Basque Country, Sebastian Lizaso and Aitor Mendiluze, in a full bertsolaritza performance with real-time English translation of the improvised verses. 

Here is a video of the performance with English subtitles:



Event Program:


Mikel Urdangarin at the Basque Cultural Center


Berri Txarrak in San Francisco