Hosted by the Basque Educational Organization, a partner of the Basque Cultural Center.
This film screening will kick off the Basque Cultural Center Anniversary Festival
Welcome to the two day celebration of our beloved Basque Cultural Center. Our Anniversary Festival showcases our traditions: Basque food, pilota, dance, music, klika, choir, cinema and special presentations.
N.A.B.O. & the Basque Club will host an Improvisational Festival Featuring Poets from The Basque Country and the U.S. in tribute to the late Johnny Curutchet.
Live Stream Available
12:00pm PT
9:00 a.m. Mass at Notre Dame des Victoires Church (566 Bush Street, San Francisco, CA 94108) with the Elgarrekin Choir and Klika
12:30 p.m. Luncheon at Basque Cultural Center