The San Francisco Basque Cultural Center offers two main types of membership: Regular Membership and Associate Membership. The main difference is that Associate Memberships cannot vote or run for the board of directors.
Membership Fees :
1. The fee for a Regular Membership shall be $2,000 until such time as the same is changed by resolution of the Board of Directors.
2. The fee for a Regular Membership for children, grandchildren or spouses of a Regular Member shall be $1,000.
3. Associate Members shall pay a fee of $500 for a single person.
All new membership applications must include a recommendation from two current members in good standing and need to be approved by the Basque Cultural Center Board of Directors.
Membership Application Forms:
Regular Member | Associate Member
Please email your questions and/or membership application (with photo) to membership@sfbasqueculturalcenter.org.
For more information about membership, please check the bylaws, articles of incorporation & the member benefit sheet: